Using Voice Recordings to Support the National School Library Standards
Recently I was reminded of a tool called Vocaroo that allows users to record and share their voices online. There is something more personable about leaving a message for your students, parents, and teachers that includes your voice. The best thing about… Read More ›

We Are Total Leaders As part of courses that I have been taking over the past year, I have been immersed in thinking about leadership, types of leaders, leadership styles, and what leadership looks like and entails. One of the… 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网

I’m moving to a new school in a new district, and before I get there I want to plan for communication efforts. Developing a communication plans are not my problem! However, sticking to one gives me serious problems. One of… Read More ›

Promoting diversity in literature is one of the core building blocks of the librarian profession. It is second nature for most of us to seek out books that feature characters from other countries, races, religions, backgrounds, and identities. But teachers… Read More ›
When in Doubt, School Librarians Take the Reins
When No One Provides a Plan… As the summer ticks down and many educators prepare to face a new school year, there are lots of questions swirling. Most of us are confronting a political and public push to re-open school… 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网
Whose Stories Should We Tell? Education in America is an ongoing struggle between our ideals and the less than optimal reality we inhabit. But where we can empower students is broadening what we teach to include more perspectives, events, and… Read More ›
Communication Is Key
This is the first time in my many years as an educator that I have experienced a major societal event without being with my students. Even in the summer, I had the reassurance that I would see them soon and… 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网
Pairing Picture Books and Primary Sources: Thanks to Frances Perkins: Fighter for Workers’ Rights by Deborah Hopkinson and Kristy Caldwell
Many historically based picture books give insight into the life of an individual. Some also highlight how one person can influence the thinking of a nation. Such is the case with the book Thanks to Frances Perkins: Fighter for Workers’… Read More ›
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Last month, I wrote that selecting a topic for my blog post was difficult, because the world is a different place than it was a few months ago. Critical conversations are happening in many areas related to systemic racism. I… Read More ›
8 Picture Books that Support the Include Shared Foundation
Is your school revising curriculum to make it more inclusive and diverse? Your role as the school librarian is essential in this work, and the AASL Standards will help you take a seat at the table. The Include Shared Foundation… Read More ›
4 Takeaways about Applied Digital Skills
You know when you learn about a resource and say to yourself, “Ah, I wish I had learned about this before!” That is how I feel about Applied Digital Skills by Google for Education. Recently, I was fortunate enough to… Read More ›
Summer break is a great time to catch up on new and popular titles in your patrons’ age range. Below is a list of the top 5 books I have been able to read so far this summer. As you… 轻蜂加速器使用方法
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When in Doubt, School Librarians Take the Reins
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Communication Is Key
A Lot Can Happen in a Year!
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Explore How to Strengthen Your School’s Reading Culture in the May/June Issue
汽车底盘使用维修问答300例(赵建柱 主编),[特价 摘要 ...:汽车底盘使用维修问答300例在淘书网特价销售,作者:赵建柱 主编,化学工业出版社 出版,欢迎购买《汽车底盘使用维修问答300例》,淘书网特价好书,超低折扣天天抢
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AASL Announces 2023 Award Recipients
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